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11/01/2003  01:36  [Softwares] Config::Natural version 0.98 is available here and on the CPAN.
10/26/2003  17:34  [Softwares] Html2Wml version 0.4.11 is available. Some bugfixes and additional features. Check the ChangeLog for more information.
10/13/2003  23:55  [Softwares] Config::Natural version 0.97 is available here and on the CPAN.
09/23/2003  00:39  [Softwares] Config::Natural version 0.96 is available here and on the CPAN.
08/24/2003  20:33  [Softwares] Config::Natural version 0.95 is available here and on the CPAN.
08/15/2003     [Softwares] Data::Config has been renamed Config::Natural in order to be included in the CPAN.
04/08/2003  01:45  [Softwares] Arkalize version 0.0.5 is available.
02/25/2003  02:00  [Softwares] Data::Config version 0.93 is available.
02/14/2003  01:00  [Softwares] Html2Wml version 0.4.11b2 is available. Some bugfixes and additional features. Check the ChangeLog for more information.